The Government is offering employers in England an incentive for all new apprentices engaged before 30 September 2021. The incentive is in the form of a grant of £3,000 per apprentice, irrespective of age. The incentive is payable in two equal payments at 90 days and 365 days. This is in addition to the AGE grant of £1,000 payable to employers who engage a 16-18 year old apprentice which makes for a total incentive grant of £4,000 to these employers. This incentive is additional to funding which covers the cost of off the job training for employers who do not pay the apprentice levy and is also available to levy payers. For further information about funding for apprentices click here
The National College Creative Industries (NCCI) can assist STAR members with the recruitment and training of ticketing apprentices.
NCCI apprenticeships are now delivered through Access Creative College, supported by NCCI Industry Practitioners. Access Creative College has campuses in Birmingham, Bristol, Lincoln, London, Manchester, Norwich and York however training for ticketing apprenticeships will be delivered online and in the workplace by NCCI Industry Practitioners.
Part of the team
The first step for recruiting an apprentice is the same as for any other member of staff. Identify a staffing need and place a recruitment advertisement via your usual HR process. Ideally, this should also be advertised on the ‘Recruit an apprentice’ website (
Your apprentice will play a full part in your business, the only difference being they will spend a fifth of their time on off-the-job training, allowing them to learn and share best practice in the industry.
This training comprises:
- In-house training including shadowing colleagues in other areas of your business
- Attending workshops run by the National College Creative Industries
- Working with their industry practitioner (tutor) on building an online portfolio
Workshops will be arranged online or at a venue close to the workplace/home to allow managers and apprentices flexibility. Training can also be delivered in the workplace by our industry practitioners, NCCI staff members who have the relevant industry knowledge and expertise to lead apprentices’ learning experiences.
General classroom pics if available of ‘apprentice plus practitioner’
On the job training
On the job training is delivered by each employer. This training is specific to each employer’s role profile. The apprentice will record evidence of the work they are doing at your organisation through our straightforward online e-portfolio system. Our industry practitioners will assess your apprentice throughout their time on their programme and also work closely with them to ensure they meet the needs of the Apprenticeship Standard. A final assessment will be carried out by an external assessor from the End Point Assessment Organisation.
Apprentices who do not hold GCSE English and Maths Grade 4+/A*- C will be supported to achieve Functional Skills qualifications in these areas.
Upon successful completion, your apprentice will be awarded: Apprenticeship Standard in Customer Service Practitioner – Ticketing (certificate-graded pass or distinction)
Responsibilities and costs
Employers are responsible for funding the following:
- Payment of wages (apprenticeship minimum wage 13 months at 30 hours per week).
- Your own administration costs for supporting the apprenticeship.
- Company induction.
- Educational trips or trips to professional events not specified in the apprenticeship standard or assessment plan.
- Time spent by managers supporting your apprentice, such as mentoring or time spent arranging training support by other staff.
- Specific services not related to the delivery and administration of the apprenticeship such as additional training which is not a requirement of the Standard qualification.
The cost for training will be £4,000 if you are a levy-paying employer. You would need to set up Access to Music Limited (National College Creative Industries delivery partner) as the training provider in the digital apprenticeship service. More information can be found here:
If you are a non-levy-paying employer, you can reserve funding to cover the cost of training. For 16 – 18 year old apprentices, you can reserve 100% of the training costs. For apprentices aged 19+ you contribute just 5% of the £4,000 cost which is £200. The remaining 95%, £3,800, is funded by the Education and Skills Funding Agency.
The grant to employers for each apprentice employed before 30 September 2021 as mentioned above is in addition to funds reserved for training.
Please contact us about starting your search for an apprentice! Our Business Development Manager will help you place your recruitment advert and set the wheels in motion towards finding a valuable new member of your team.
National College Creative Industries powered by Access Creative College